The Healing Path, book

Research says that between 20 – 33% of women are sexually abused by their 18th birthday. Abuse doesn’t have to mean rape.  It can include inappropriate touching, taking pictures, making a girl look at inappropriate pictures, and a host of other activities that leave a girl feeling dirty and damaged.

Many women feel that their abuse wasn’t as bad as some others they’ve heard about, so they ignore or downplay their own wounds.  And many try to suppress the memories and experiences.  However, as women reach their late 20s through early 40s, the pressure to deal with the memories often becomes overwhelming.

This book is the composite of many women’s stories, shared in trust, condensed into chapters each with its specific focus, and published with the survivors’ written permission.  None of the survivors are identified, but each story and each chapter came from one of them.  I had a co-author who reviewed the entire manuscript and added a couple of her own chapters.  Names and identity-revealing data have been withheld for obvious reasons.

This book is not an “easy read” for abuse survivors.  The format of the book is similar to another I published, “The Complete Divorce Recovery Handbook.”  The format is aimed at leading survivors to grow past the memories, emotional scars and wretched feelings ~ to face them down ~ conquer them ~ and move forward into stable and healthy living.

If this book opens too much pain too quickly, put it down for a few weeks.  If you feel overwhelmed, ask for help.  Contact any Christian female therapist and ask her to walk beside you for a while.  The good news is that there is indeed healing and fresh restoration.

Used copies of the book are available on Amazon, or you may buy it new from me at PayPal (see link below) and I’ll mail you a new copy for $15.00 plus $5.00 shipping.  If you buy from me, be sure to leave your mailing address with your PayPal order.  Allow a couple weeks for shipping — I’ll probably get it to you in one week or less.

If you have problems ordering, it’s undoubtedly my problem.  I’m still learning all the ins and outs of setting up PayPal accounts and linking them to my website.  If you have trouble, e-mail me at  Thanks, and blessings.

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